Free Family Consultation

Are you ready to be in the best health of your life?

About Cali Life Nutrition

Founded by Carrie Elgazzar's passion for healthy families, Cali Life Nutrition embraces the active California lifestyle coupled with simple & delicious healthy eating.

As a mother and wife herself, Carrie understands the challenges of juggling busy schedules, picky kids, and the high cost of Bay Area living. Being a Certified Nutritionist alows me to take my passion and share it with other so they can feel great too.

"I love meeting with families, understanding their dynamic and challenges, and working with them to develop a custom plan that works for their specific lifestyle and goals. Too often I hear that people think "diets" are the way to get healthy. There is no such thing as an effective diet and certainly not a one size fits all solution. Every family is different, every person is different, and to be effective and ATTAINABLE, a custom plan must be developed."

Mal Prepping & Healthy Eating

"We tried so many diets and meal plans. None of them lasted until I met Carrie. She spent time understanding our family and working with us to create realistic options. Now, all 5 of us are healthy, happy, and love our meals together!"

• Jocelyn S. | Walnut Creek, CA

Cali Life Nutrition

A Thirty31 Company

AFPA # 12947

Certified Nutritionist